Leaders of Volunteers Learning Path
This sequence of workshops can be accessed for free by staff and volunteers of Volunteer Ottawa members. To access this learning opportunity at no additional cost please contact our team at [email protected]
Join this year’s Learning Path for Leaders of Volunteers. With Spring, many volunteer programs also go in full bloom! Level up your volunteer engagement with this sequence of workshops is specifically designed to support people engaging with volunteers in their roles.
Each workshop’s content will give you foundational insights and actionable skills to bring to your jobs. Whether you are a full-time volunteer engager or you are doing this part time; whether you are new to this field, or if you have been leading volunteers for a while, this learning path will provide you with knowledge, skills, and a community of like-minded practitioners.
The Learning Path’s facilitators are recognized volunteer engagement professionals and many of them are affiliated with Ottawa Leaders of Volunteers (OLV), the local association for volunteer management professionals.
How to register?
For Volunteer Ottawa members
Staff and volunteers affiliated with Volunteer Ottawa member organizations can register and attend all these sessions at no additional cost than their organization’s annual membership.
Please contact us at [email protected] to process your registration as an individual affiliated with a Volunteer Ottawa member.
For individuals not affiliated with a Volunteer Ottawa member organization
Click on the “Join Now” button and continue to the checkout.
Costs for individuals who are not affiliated with a VO member organization are: $145 per learner per workshop or $750 per learner for the seven-workshop sequence (25% discount).
Select Thursdays from April 4 to May 23, 9:30 am to 11:30 am.
Unless explicitly noted, all sessions will be held live online on Zoom.
Who will be there?
Each session will be led by an experienced practitioner in volunteer engagement; participants from non-profit organizations from the Ottawa region will also learn from each other through discussions and interactive activities.
What to bring?
You will need a Zoom-capable device, and, preferably access to a microphone and/or camera to actively participate in these workshops.
Confirmed schedule*
April 4, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm: Kickoff Lunch and Learn, with Adam Janes & Angela Begin
April 11, 9:30 am – 11:30 am: Volunteer Recruitment: Welcoming Volunteers to Our Communities, with Adam Janes
April 18, 9:30 am – 11:30 am: Session in development more details soon
May 2, 9:30 am – 11:30 am: Volunteer Supervision and Monitoring: Supporting Volunteers in Our Communities, with Nikkie Snagg
May 9 9:30 am – 11:30 am: Enhancing Engagement: Technical Resources for Volunteer Managers, with Laura Lafantasie
Next steps? Express your interest by completing our form, we’ll look forward to seeing you soon!
*Additional sessions will be confirmed shortly
Leaders of Volunteers Learning Path
This event has passed