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Recovering Together

Recovering Well is a space convened by Volunteer Ottawa where teams from NFP organizations will be able to share and exchange their experiences with peers and facilitators. Register for free here:

Lola Dubé-Quibell Ottawa Public Health
Breanna Pizzuto Talk Tools
Alice D’Abreu Monday Morning Inc.
July 14, 2022
July 14, 2022
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Zoom   View map


Event Details

Recovering Together is a space convened by Volunteer Ottawa to facilitate conversations about recovery in the NFP sector.


It is hard to understate the impact that the pandemic’s impact on Ottawa’s NFP sector. Organizations, staffs, and volunteers are dealing with a lot of changes. There are shifts to the way we work, and to how we engage with volunteers. The ways we connect with one and other, and take care of ourselves and others have also been disrupted.


At the same time, from these challenges there are opportunities for organizations and teams to recover and return stronger. Recovery is not just the return to the early 2020 “business as usual.” It is a chance for personal and collective betterment.


Join Volunteer Ottawa in Recovering Together. In this live online conversation space we will facilitate community building around themes relevant to the recovery of NPF organizations and their teams.


When? July 14th

When? 12 to 1pm

Where? We will meet live on Zoom. Recovering Together is a free event that requires preregistration. Please register here.


Participants in Recovering Together will have the chance to meet in breakout rooms with peers and three of our Volunteer Ottawa facilitators and our Education Officer.


In each of these smaller groups, facilitators will share their experiences, and engage with participants’ thoughts, and questions regarding their respective fields:

Alice D’Abreu (human resources and inclusiveness in the workplace).

Breanna Pizzuto (mental wellness).

Lola Dubé-Quibell (volunteer engagement).

Álvaro Caso (building skills and capacity).


If you could not join us in our previous webinar about recovery (Recovering Well), follow this link to watch the recording.


Don’t miss out on this opportunity to start Recovering Together!