Volunteer Management Resources

Volunteer Management is a unique field that shares some similarities with other HR and management roles, but also presents its own unique challenges and opportunities. Learn more about Volunteer Management using these free resources. 


General Volunteer Management

Icon indicates this resource is in the "PDF" category.  The Volunteer Management Handbook from Volunteer Canada

Icon indicates this resource is in the "External Link" category.  Volunteer Management information from Imagine Canada

Icon indicates this resource is in the "External Link" category.  Ottawa Sport Council’s Volunteer Toolbox


Recruitment, Engagement, and Recognition

Icon indicates this resource is in the "Presentation" category.  Developing Volunteer Positions from Volunteer Alberta

Icon indicates this resource is in the "Template" category.  Volunteer Position Description with Risk Assessment and Policy Considerations from Volunteer Alberta

Icon indicates this resource is in the "Presentation" category.  Volunteer Recruitment from Volunteer Alberta

Icon indicates this resource is in the "Presentation" category.  Onboarding and Welcoming Volunteers from Volunteer Alberta

Icon indicates this resource is in the "PDF" category.  Recognizing Volunteering from Volunteer Canada

Icon indicates this resource is in the "PDF" category.  Volunteer Connections: Creating an Accessible and Inclusive Environment

Icon indicates this resource is in the "PDF" category.  An anti-racist approach to volunteering from Volunteer Alberta

Icon indicates this resource is in the "Guidebook or Journal" category.  Browse the archive of the Canadian Journal of Volunteer Resources Management


Policies and Procedures

Volunteer Toronto has generously made their internal volunteer policies and procedures available for reference and to be used as templates.

Icon indicates this resource is in the "External Link" category. Volunteer Toronto’s Volunteer Policies & Procedures


Data Sheets

Learn more about who volunteers and why with these data sheets from the Canadian Knowledge Hub for Giving and Volunteering.

Icon indicates this resource is in the "PDF" category. Volunteer Motivations

Icon indicates this resource is in the "PDF" category. Who volunteers and how much time do they give? (By province and age)

Icon indicates this resource is in the "PDF" category. Who volunteers and how much time do they give? (By province, age, income, and labour force status)

Icon indicates this resource is in the "PDF" category. Who volunteers and how much time do they give? (By income and labour force status)



For more information and how-to guides on screening your volunteer applicants, visit our Screening resource page.

Icon indicates this resource is in the "Link" category.  Screening Resources

Last Updated: December 7, 2023