Aberdeen Heritage Festival on July 2nd ~ Festival du patrimoine d’Aberdeen, le 2 juillet prochain
Volunteer Types: Event planning and participation, Special events and festivals
Organization types: Sports and Recreation, Public/Society Benefit
One day or less
Application Deadline: June 29, 2022
Posted on:

Join His Worship Jim Watson, Mayor of the City of Ottawa for a community festival at Lansdowne Park – celebrating 30 years since Ottawa City Council resolved to restore the Aberdeen Pavilion!

The Recreation, Culture and Facility Services Department is currently recruiting volunteers age 15+ for the Aberdeen Heritage Festival that will take place from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm on Saturday, July 2nd, 2022 at Lansdowne Park. This is a free event for the community. The festivities will be attended by approximately 3,000 – 4,000 Ottawa residents and include an Opening Ceremony and plaque unveiling, live entertainment, Ottawa Farmers Market, 613Flea, a petting zoo, Ottawa RedBlacks, Ottawa 67’s and Ottawa BlackJacks Fun Zone and Ottawa Senators fun fan experience and more.

Volunteers will be required for two shifts during this event. Shift one would require an arrival time at 7:30 am and volunteers should be prepared to assist until 12:30 pm. Shift two would require an arrival time of 12:00 pm and assistance until 5:00 pm, or until tear down and clean-up is complete.

All volunteers must have completed their AODA training to volunteer for an event. If you have not already completed this training, you can do so online: https://ottawa.ca/en/living-ottawa/volunteering/important-information-volunteers/accessibility-training

All volunteers under the age of 18 require the signature of their parent / guardian. The Parent/Guardian Consent form can be downloaded from our online application: https://app.betterimpact.com/PublicEnterprise/EnterpriseSearch?Keyword=Lansdowne&EnterpriseGuid=6b5969ae-d970-4d4d-9ca7-ac29de2e1493&SearchType=Keyword

Joignez-vous à Son Honneur Jim Watson, maire de la Ville d’Ottawa, lors d’un festival communautaire au parc Lansdowne – célébrant les 30 ans de la résolution du Conseil municipal d’Ottawa visant à restaurer le pavillon Aberdeen!

La Direction générale des loisirs, de la culture et des installations recrute actuellement des bénévoles 15 ans et plus pour le Festival du patrimoine d’Aberdeen qui aura lieu de 9 h 30 à 15 h 30 le samedi 2 juillet 2022 au parc Lansdowne. Il s’agit d’une activité gratuite pour la communauté. Environ 3 000 à 4 000 résidents d’Ottawa assisteront aux festivités, qui comprendront une cérémonie d’ouverture et le dévoilement d’une plaque, des spectacles, le marché des fermiers d’Ottawa, 613Flea, un zoo pour enfants, une zone de divertissement pour le Rouge et Noir d’Ottawa, les 67 d’Ottawa et les BlackJacks d’Ottawa, ainsi qu’une expérience amusante pour les partisans des Sénateurs d’Ottawa, et plus encore.

Les bénévoles devront effectuer deux quarts de travail pendant le festival. Les bénévoles du premier quart devront commencer à 7 h 30 et devront être prêts à aider jusqu’à 12 h 30. La deuxième équipe devra arriver à midi et aider jusqu’à 17 h, ou jusqu’à ce que le démontage et le nettoyage soient terminés.

Tous les bénévoles doivent avoir suivi la formation sur la LAPHO avant de participer à une activité à ce titre. Si vous n’avez pas encore suivi cette formation, vous pouvez le faire en ligne: https://ottawa.ca/fr/vivre-ottawa/benevolat/informations-importantes-pour-les-benevoles/formation-sur-laccessibilite

Tous les bénévoles de moins de 18 ans doivent avoir l’autorisation écrite de leur parent ou tuteur. Vous pouvez télécharger en ligne le formulaire de consentement du parent ou tuteur: https://app.betterimpact.com/PublicEnterprise/EnterpriseSearch?Keyword=Lansdowne&EnterpriseGuid=6b5969ae-d970-4d4d-9ca7-ac29de2e1493&SearchType=Keyword

Volunteer location:
Lansdowne Park ~ parc Lansdowne


Tek Ma
@City of Ottawa - General Volunteer Opportunities
Ext: 46686
Time it will take to contact applicants:


This position would be great for: High School Students (14-18), Young Adults (19-24), Families, Adults
Number of Positions Available: 20
Good for people interested in: Event planning and participation, Special events and festivals
You will be helping with: Women, Men, Youth (19-24 years), Youth (16-18 years), Youth (11-15 years), Children (0-10 years), Persons new to Canada

Volunteer Considerations

  • Public transportation available
  • Share this volunteer opportunity

    Volunteer Application Form

    You are applying for a position with an outside organization through Volunteer Ottawa's website.
    Once you submit your application, it will go directly to the organization seeking volunteers. It is the organization's responsibility to contact you back. Please record the name of the organization whose opportunity you are applying to in case you need to contact them.

    Your Full Name *
    Your Email *
    Upload Resume (PDF file only)
    Maximum file size: 5 MB

    Previous Volunteer Experience

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    What year did you volunteer?
    Other relevant experience

    References 1

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    Phone Number

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