Bénévole du Bazar (RSL) - Bazaar Volunteer (RSL)
Volunteer Types: Health Care
Organization types: Health and Diseases
Long term (6 months to a year)
Application Deadline: March 1, 2025
Posted on:

Joignez notre équipe engagée en tant que membre de l’équipe du Bazar des bénévoles et soyez à l’avant-garde de l’amélioration de la qualité de vie de nos résidents. Sur le site de la Résidence St-Louis à Orléans, les bénévoles dévoués du Bazar soutiennent directement notre mission en organisant et en gérant un Bazar hebdomadaire, ainsi qu’en planifiant et en exécutant nos bazars semestriels du printemps et de l’automne. Ces événements se concentrent sur la vente de marchandises afin de collecter des fonds pour de l’équipement qui améliore l’expérience des résidents. Votre passion et votre dévouement seront inestimables pour faire une différence tangible dans notre communauté. ////////////////////
Join our committed team as a Volunteer Bazaar Team member and be at the forefront of enhancing the quality of life for our residents. At the Residence St-Louis site in Orleans, dedicated Bazaar volunteers directly support our mission by organizing and running a weekly Bazaar, as well as planning and executing our bi-annual spring and fall bazaars. These events focus on selling merchandise to fundraise for equipment that improves the resident experience. Your passion and dedication will be invaluable in making a tangible difference in our community.

How will this opportunity benefit the volunteer?
AVANTAGES :  Savoir que vous avez donné de votre temps pour améliorer le bien-être psychologique et physique de nos clients;  Acquérir de l’expérience en vue d’un emploi futur ou satisfaire à vos objectifs de travail bénévole dans un environnement où vous développerez ou mettrez à profit vos aptitudes au travail d’équipe, à la communication et aux relations interpersonnelles;  Faire partie d’une équipe de bénévoles et profiter d’avantages, comme des bons échangeables contre un goûter et un stationnement gratuit. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BENEFITS:  Knowing that you have contributed, through your time, to improve our client’s the psychological and physical wellbeing.  Gain experience for future employment and meet your volunteer requirements in an environment where you will build/use team working, communication and interpersonal skills.  Be part of a team of volunteers and benefit from some bonus perks such as snack coupons and free parking.
How will the organization benefit?
Rendre chaque vie meilleure. ENSEMBLE. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TOGETHER. Making each life better.
Volunteer location:
Résidence Saint-Louis Residence: 879, chemin Hiawatha Park / 879 Hiawatha Park Rd, Orléans, ON K1C 2Z6


Nathalie Lalonde
Time it will take to contact applicants:


This position would be great for: Young Adults (19-24), Seniors (65+), Newcomers to Canada, Adults
Number of Positions Available: 20
Good for people interested in: Health Care
You will be helping with: Women, Men, Visible minorities or racialized persons, Persons with disabilities or medical conditions, LGBTQI2+, First Nations, Métis, Inuit, Indigenous persons, Seniors, Persons new to Canada

Volunteer Considerations

  • Vulnerable sector check required
  • Share this volunteer opportunity

    Volunteer Application Form

    You are applying for a position with an outside organization through Volunteer Ottawa's website.
    Once you submit your application, it will go directly to the organization seeking volunteers. It is the organization's responsibility to contact you back. Please record the name of the organization whose opportunity you are applying to in case you need to contact them.

    Your Full Name *
    Your Email *
    Upload Resume (PDF file only)
    Maximum file size: 5 MB

    Previous Volunteer Experience

    Volunteer Role
    What year did you volunteer?
    Other relevant experience

    References 1

    Reference full name
    Phone Number

    Reference 2

    Reference full name
    Phone Number