Board of Directors - Secretary

Length of Term: 2 year (appointed or elected annually at the Annual General Meeting; term may be renewed)
We’re a small but mighty organization that helps keep pets with their families. As a registered charity, we’re looking for individuals ready to participate in our mission through our Board of Directors. While previous Board experience is an asset, we’re more focused on finding the right individuals.
You might be a good fit if:
You love animals
Have a general understanding of animal welfare
Appreciate that pets are family too
Understand that pets have a positive impact on mental health.
Have an empathetic and non-judgemental attitude towards those living with poverty, addictions, and mental health challenges
Recognize that poverty can be a result of many different circumstances
Be able to commit 4-6 hours a month
We’re looking for people who have experience in:
Charity work
Knowledge and contacts in the pet food industry (asset)
Accounting or bookkeeping (asset)
Board of directors (asset)
As the secretary, you would:
Maintain records of the Board via Google Drive
Take accurate minutes from board meetings
Share minutes with the Board after each meeting
In addition, Board members must:
Commit to a defined (renewable) term
Be an ambassador for the Organization in the wider community
Become familiar with the Ottawa Paw Pantry’s legal documents (articles, by-laws, etc.)
Participate in the approval of the annual budget and take an interest in the financial well being of the Organization
Attend quarterly Board meetings, participate in activities between meetings, and attend the Annual General Meeting
Prepare for meetings by reading agendas, minutes, reports and other shared documents
Participate in strategic planning and committee work
Participate in fundraising where possible
All Board members are encouraged to make a personal financial commitment to the Organization
Time Commitment (approximate)
Attend and actively participate in at least 75% of board meetings (4 board meetings annually, lasting approximately 2-3 hours in length)
Attend and participate in the annual general meeting (approx. 1-2 hours annually)
Attend special events such as fundraisers, when possible
Financial and Resource Development
Understand and monitor the organization’s financial affairs
Identify potential donors and sponsors
Volunteer Considerations
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