Communications Director, Ottawa Chapter of Dying with Dignity Canada Executive Committee
Volunteer Types: Communications and Marketing
Organization types: Human Rights and Civil Liberties
Ongoing (more than a year)
Application Deadline: December 29, 2023
Posted on:
This leadership role will lead and oversee the Chapter’s communications. Develop and execute a communication strategy to support the chapter’s strategic and action plans. Serve as designated Media Liaison for DWDC Ottawa Chapter. Assist Chapter Chair as Media Spokesperson for the Chapter. Collaborate with the Education Outreach and Coordination Director re: seeking opportunities for raising awareness of Advance Health Care Planning, Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID), and End-of-Life Choices. Attend regular executive committee meetings. Liaise with traditional media, oversee/lead social media initiatives, produce member communication. Assume other duties as required.
How will this opportunity benefit the volunteer?
The satisfaction of helping DWDC, the national human rights charity dedicated to improving the quality of dying, protecting end-of-life rights, and helping people across Canada avoid unwanted suffering.
How will the organization benefit?
A Communications Director will provide the leadership to develop a planned strategy and initiatives to raise public awareness of end-of-life issues, Medical Assistance in Dying, and Advance Health Care Planning.
Volunteer location:
Ottawa, Ontario
Susan Harrison
@The Ottawa Chapter of Dying With Dignity Canada
Time it will take to contact applicants:
This position would be great for: Adults
Number of Positions Available: 1
Good for people interested in: Communications and Marketing
You will be helping with: Disadvantaged, Seniors, Youth (19-24 years), Persons new to Canada, Women, Men, Visible minorities or racialized persons, Persons with disabilities or medical conditions, LGBTQI2+
Volunteer Considerations
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