Legal support

Volunteer Types: Counselling, Legal/Advocacy
Organization types: Human Rights and Civil Liberties, LGBTQIA2+
Ongoing (more than a year)
Application Deadline: September 21, 2024
Posted on:
Draft and summit the neccesary documents and support to get Federal Non-profit registration
Opportunity to gain experience in a NGO orgination from the Ground. That you are helping our most marginalized group in Canada. Transgender and Non-binary people
How will this opportunity benefit the volunteer?
I good feeling of doing pro-bone work and that it will save lives
How will the organization benefit?
Open doors for us to get Goverment and corporate funding
National regnonition
Volunteer location:
160 George St Ottawa
Michelle Goodman
@TNAC Transgender and Non-Binary Alliance of canada
Time it will take to contact applicants:
This position would be great for: Seniors (65+), Person with a disability or medical condition, Adults
Number of Positions Available: 1
Good for people interested in: Counselling, Legal/Advocacy
You will be helping with: LGBTQI2+, Disadvantaged
Volunteer Considerations
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