Mayor's Annual Christmas Celebration ~ la Fête de Noël annuelle du maire
Volunteer Types: Entertainment, Special events and festivals
Organization types: Public/Society Benefit, Children, Youth and Family
One day or less
Application Deadline: December 8, 2022
Posted on:

The Office of Protocol is currently recruiting volunteers for the Mayor’s Annual Christmas Celebration taking place at Ottawa City Hall from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, December 10th, 2022.
We are asking volunteers to arrive no later than 1:00 p.m. at the Festival Control Boardroom (located on the 1st floor of City Hall, 110 Laurier Avenue West) to sign-in, get a briefing on how the event will unfold, have a bite to eat and get into position. A light lunch will be provided to volunteers before the event – a vegetarian option will be available. Please be prepared to work until approximately 6:30 p.m. given we will need help after the event to assist with clean up.
All volunteers under the age of 18 require the signature of their parent / guardian. Parent/Guardian Consent form can be downloaded from our online application:
All volunteers must have completed their AODA training to volunteer for an event. You can do so online at:
Thank you and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions:
Glenna Jaggard, 613-580-2424 ext. 25863 or [email protected]
Le Bureau du protocole recrute actuellement des bénévoles pour la Fête de Noël annuelle du maire, qui se tiendra à l’hôtel de ville d’Ottawa le samedi 10 décembre 2022, de 14 h à 17 h.
Nous aimerions que les bénévoles se présentent au plus tard à 1 h 00 à la salle de contrôle des festivals, située au 1er étage de l’hôtel de ville, au 100 avenue Laurier Ouest. Ils pourront alors
s’inscrire, assister à une séance d’information sur le déroulement de l’activité et se restaurer avant de se rendre à leur poste. Un repas léger sera servi aux bénévoles avant la fête (une option végétarienne sera offerte). Les bénévoles doivent être disposés à travailler jusqu’à 18 h 30 environ puisque nous aurons besoin d’aide après la fête pour tout nettoyer.
Tous les bénévoles de moins de 18 ans doivent obtenir l’autorisation écrite de leurs parents ou de leur tuteur. Vous pouvez télécharger en ligne le formulaire de consentement des parents ou du tuteur:
Toutes les personnes qui désirent faire du bénévolat lors d’un événement doivent avoir suivi une formation sur la LAPHO. Vous pouvez le faire en ligne :
Je vous remercie. N’hésitez pas à me contacter si vous avez des questions:
Glenna Jaggard, 613-580-2424 ext. 25863 ou [email protected]

Volunteer location:
110 Laurier Ave West, Ottawa, ON K2P 2L7


Glenna Jaggard
@City of Ottawa - General Volunteer Opportunities
Ext: 25863
Time it will take to contact applicants:


This position would be great for: High School Students (14-18), Young Adults (19-24), Families, Adults
Number of Positions Available: 30
Good for people interested in: Entertainment, Special events and festivals
You will be helping with: Children (0-10 years)

Volunteer Considerations

  • Public transportation available
  • Share this volunteer opportunity

    Volunteer Application Form

    You are applying for a position with an outside organization through Volunteer Ottawa's website.
    Once you submit your application, it will go directly to the organization seeking volunteers. It is the organization's responsibility to contact you back. Please record the name of the organization whose opportunity you are applying to in case you need to contact them.

    Your Full Name *
    Your Email *
    Upload Resume (PDF file only)
    Maximum file size: 5 MB

    Previous Volunteer Experience

    Volunteer Role
    What year did you volunteer?
    Other relevant experience

    References 1

    Reference full name
    Phone Number

    Reference 2

    Reference full name
    Phone Number