Participez bénévolement à des études de recherche! |Volunteer to participate in research studies!
Volunteer Types: Others
Organization types: Education
Short term (less than 6 months)
Application Deadline: October 1, 2024
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*English Follows*
Le bassin de recrutement communautaire est une initiative de la plateforme INSPIRE de l’Université d’Ottawa visant à encourager les membres de la communauté à se porter volontaire_ pour participer à des études de recherche et à jouer un rôle essentiel dans l’avancement de la recherche. Notre objectif est de recruter et de créer un groupe de participants plus diversifié pour la recherche. Nous invitons donc des personnes de tous horizons et de tous milieux à participer. Les personnes qui rejoignent le bassin communautaire ont accès à une multitude d’études intéressantes utilisant diverses techniques de recherche (questionnaires en ligne, entretiens, des mesures psychophysiologiques, neuroimagerie, etc.) et peuvent recevoir différents types de compensation (monétaire, tirages, cartes-cadeaux, bénévolat, etc.)
POUR VOUS INSCRIRE, CLIQUEZ SUR LE LIEN ICI : inscription pour le bassin de recrutement communautaire


The Community Pool is an initiative by the INSPIRE Core Facility at the University of Ottawa to encourage members of the community to volunteer to participate in research studies and play an integral role in the advancement of research. Our goal is to recruit and create a more diverse participant pool for research. We are thus inviting people from all walks of life and different backgrounds to participate. Those who join the community pool have access to select a multitude of interesting studies that use various research techniques (i.e., online questionnaires, interviews, physiological data collection, neuroimaging etc.) and can receive different types of compensation (monetary, draws, gift cards, voluntary, etc.).


How will this opportunity benefit the volunteer?
En participant, vous ne faites pas seulement partie d'une expérience unique, mais vous contribuez également à l'avancement des connaissances dans divers domaines de recherche.
By participating you not only get to be part of a unique experience, but also contribute to the advancement of knowledge in various fields of research.
How will the organization benefit?
Nous bénéficierons de votre participation car elle permettra à nos chercheurs de collecter des échantillons d'étude plus importants et plus diversifiés, ce qui contribuera finalement à obtenir des résultats plus fiables, plus puissants, et donc plus représentatifs de la population canadienne.
We will benefit from your participation as it will allow our researchers to collect larger and more diverse study samples, ultimately helping to create more reliable and powerful results that are more representative of the Canadian population.
Volunteer location:
Il varie selon l'étude. Les études peuvent se dérouler en ligne, à l'université elle-même ou dans d'autres établissements. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter les détails de l'étude dans le bassin communautaire.
Variable depending on the study. Studies can take place online, at the institution itself, or at other institutions. Please see the specific study details in the Community Pool for more information.


@INSPIRE Community Pool
Ext: 1311
Time it will take to contact applicants:


This position would be great for: Adults, Children (under 10), Youth 11-13, High School Students (14-18), Young Adults (19-24), Seniors (65+), Newcomers to Canada, Person with a disability or medical condition, Families
Number of Positions Available: 500
Good for people interested in: Others
You will be helping with: First Nations, Métis, Inuit, Indigenous persons, Seniors, Youth (19-24 years), Youth (16-18 years), Youth (11-15 years), Children (0-10 years), Persons new to Canada, Women, Men, Athletes, Visible minorities or racialized persons, Persons with disabilities or medical conditions, LGBTQI2+, Homeless, Disadvantaged

Volunteer Considerations

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Volunteer Application Form

You are applying for a position with an outside organization through Volunteer Ottawa's website.
Once you submit your application, it will go directly to the organization seeking volunteers. It is the organization's responsibility to contact you back. Please record the name of the organization whose opportunity you are applying to in case you need to contact them.

Your Full Name *
Your Email *
Upload Resume (PDF file only)
Maximum file size: 5 MB

Previous Volunteer Experience

Volunteer Role
What year did you volunteer?
Other relevant experience

References 1

Reference full name
Phone Number

Reference 2

Reference full name
Phone Number