Spend time with a senior sharing your love of sports

Nick (aged 64 years old) enjoys watching sports – hockey, soccer, baseball and football – he is also open to other activities. He would love to spend an hour or two each week with someone who shared his interests and who could help him get out of the house.
As a friend to someone with a disability you can have a profound effect on their life by reducing loneliness and isolation; helping to achieve hopes and dreams; developing personal networks and relationships; decreasing vulnerability; and increasing self-confidence, mental and physical health.
Join our team of more than 250 volunteer Allies who are enriching the lives of someone in their community. You will gain a wonderful new friendship – someone to share activities that you love. You need to be over the age of 18 and to make a minimum commitment of 12 months to this role [Note: your status in Canada may affect your ability to make this commitment e.g. visitor visa, student visa, refugee claimant]. Preparation and ongoing support are provided.
Change Two Lives – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMcWEQdN920
INTERESTED? CONTACT US DIRECT AT https://www.able2.org/volunteer/ , [email protected] or 613-761-9522
How will this opportunity benefit the volunteer?
Your volunteerism makes a meaningful and vital contribution to the life of someone lonely, isolated, and vulnerable. Our volunteers are our greatest champions.
How will the organization benefit?
You will help us reach people who are isolated, help us build community, raise awareness, and reduce stigma.
Volunteer location:
Alta Vista
Volunteer Considerations
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