Dec 14th Food Drive Supporter East

To register, volunteers must sign up via the Ottawa Food Bank volunteer calendar found under the volunteer section of our website or copy this link into your web browser:
We have spaces, at Marsha’s Your Independent Grocer, Orleans Superstore. and select other stores across Ottawa.
Help ensure everyone in our community has access to healthy meals this season.
During the Ottawa Food Bank’s food drive, volunteers will encourage shoppers to donate food to the Ottawa Food Bank and thank people who donate.
Age considerations: Registered volunteers must be at least 14 years old. Anyone under the age of 18 requires a signed waiver by a parent or guardian in advance of volunteering for this event. Children under 14 can accompany a registered adult, but it is encouraged that they attend with at least 2 adults so children needing breaks do not lessen the volunteer team.
How will this opportunity benefit the volunteer?
Feelings of joy encouraging generosity towards those who are in need. Being part of a city wide community strengthening activity.
Youth can count hours for community service
How will the organization benefit?
We need the community to join us in making this Food Drive a success.
The thoughtful and engaged volunteers joining us this day will help increase donations of food and funds.
Volunteer location:
We will be attending close to 20 stores across Ottawa including, 10+ east Ottawa stores.
See to see stores and sign up.
Volunteer Considerations
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