Toy Librarian

PRC loans out toys to families in our programs. They borrow them for 2 weeks then return them. It is kind of like a library for toys (and a few books). We are looking for someone who can coordinate the toy lending library. The ideal candidate would be available two days per week from 10:45am to 12pm (every Tuesday and Thursday). You would greet parents, help them find a suitable toy for their child (toys are labeled by age) and check it out using our online library. When toys are returned to PRC, you would make sure they are clean and have all of the pieces, then record in the system that they have been returned.
The ideal candidate would have experience with children ages 0 to 6, be bilingual, and can use a computer.
How will this opportunity benefit the volunteer?
It is a great way to get experience in the Early Years Sector.
It is always exciting to see the kids faces when they are given toys to bring home and play with.
How will the organization benefit?
Our RECE's (Registered Early Childhood Educators) are so busy with programming that they just don't have the time needed to focus on the toy library. It would help us a great deal and allow us to continue loaning out toys.
Volunteer location:
300 Goulburn Crescent, Ottawa
Volunteer Considerations
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