Visitor Monitor - Supervised Access Program
Volunteer Types: Others
Organization types: Community and Social Services, Children, Youth and Family
Long term (6 months to a year)
Application Deadline: August 31, 2024
Posted on:

When parents separate or divorce, access visits with children may be problematic. Difficulties can arise during visits or exchanges between the custodial and non-custodial parents that may result in unpleasant interactions for those involved. Supervised Access Centers provide a safe, child friendly, neutral setting, for children and non-custodial parents to maintain, rebuild or establish relationships through regular scheduled supervised visits or exchanges. The SAP is essentially a service for children.

Our next volunteer orientation is on Tuesday September 12th. Please contact for details.

How will this opportunity benefit the volunteer?
Volunteers will: • Receive training to prepare them for their role with Supervised Access. • Work closely with staff to ensure the safety and comfort of the child(ren) for the duration of the visit. • Escort the child(ren) to and from the visit room. • Remain within sight of the child(ren) and visiting parent at all times and close enough to hear their conversation. (Parents involved in the visit understand that they are participating in a supervised visit; volunteer and staff presence should be apparent but not obtrusive.) • Redirect/intervene when visit guidelines are broken. • Record detailed observation notes that provide factual information about each visit. • Work with an interpreter on visits that take place in a language other than French or English. • Due to the time it takes to recruit, train and become accustomed to the program, SAP volunteers are expected to complete at least 100 hours of service.
How will the organization benefit?
Volunteers are an essential component of the Supervised Access Program. By volunteering, Family Services Ottawa will be able to serve more families in need of this program and support the parent/child relationship.
Volunteer location:
312 Parkdale Avenue


Jess Cassidy
@Family Services à la famille Ottawa
Ext: 174
Time it will take to contact applicants:


This position would be great for: Young Adults (19-24), Seniors (65+), Adults
Number of Positions Available: 10
Good for people interested in: Others
You will be helping with: Children (0-10 years), Persons new to Canada, Women, Men, Visible minorities or racialized persons, LGBTQI2+, Homeless, Disadvantaged, Youth (16-18 years), Youth (11-15 years)

Volunteer Considerations

  • Vulnerable sector check required
  • Public transportation available
  • Share this volunteer opportunity

    Volunteer Application Form

    You are applying for a position with an outside organization through Volunteer Ottawa's website.
    Once you submit your application, it will go directly to the organization seeking volunteers. It is the organization's responsibility to contact you back. Please record the name of the organization whose opportunity you are applying to in case you need to contact them.

    Your Full Name *
    Your Email *
    Upload Resume (PDF file only)
    Maximum file size: 5 MB

    Previous Volunteer Experience

    Volunteer Role
    What year did you volunteer?
    Other relevant experience

    References 1

    Reference full name
    Phone Number

    Reference 2

    Reference full name
    Phone Number